Dear Crushers,
Welcome to our PICK A PAIR Contest! (based on idea from win4maw)
Please read on ...
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Pick ONE letter from CHRISTMAS (do not choose S as there are two!) and then Pick another ONE letter from BIRTHDAY (any letter). Then post your response as ... (Letter from CHRISTMAS) x (Letter from BIRTHDAY) For example if you chose H from Christmas and Y from Birthday ... You will post H x Y You may only make ONE POST / ENTRY per member. Any extra posts made will exclude you from the contest! There are 7 letters available from CHRISTMAS (excluded the 'S's) and 8 letters available from BIRTHDAY so that make 7x8 = 56 different combinations - Choose one combination only! Please read on below ... |
Soon after the closing date (24th December 2023), the winning position X x Y (letter from Christmas x letter from Birthday) will be drawn ...(any posts made AFTER 24th December will not be counted and may be removed by admin before the draw is made).
One letter from the letters CHRITMA (those letters from Christmas excluding S) will be drawn
One letter from the letters BIRTHDAY will be drawn
All eligible entries will be checked, and prizes will be awarded as follows:-
1 x correct entry = $25 prize
2-3 x correct entries = $10 prize each
4-5 x correct entries = $5 prize each
6 + correct entries = $2 prize each (up to a limit of 10 prizes, 10 prizes will be randomly drawn if there are more than 10)
If there are no correct entries then BOTH letters will be re-drawn and then I will re-check again until we have at least 1 winner.

Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total