Dear Crushers,
Welcome to the Casino Crush 20th Birthday Party.
As you enter the party , please choose a balloon! (PLEASE READ THE RULES *BEFORE* YOU POST!) as ONLY THE FIRST TO POST EACH NUMBER WILL WIN A PRIZE! (if you pick a number already chosen you will not win anything).
There are 24 balloons to choose from with different prizes inside:-
Simply post the number of your balloon AND a Happy Birthday greeting for Casino Crush Forums (both in ONE post only please!).
Soon after 7th December, the prizes will be revealed:-
There are 3 balloons containing $10 cash
There are 5 balloons containing $5 cash
There are 8 balloons containing $3 cash
There are 8 balloons containing $1 cash
You can only pick ONE balloon and make ONE post with your birthday greeting AND the number balloon you have chosen.
- Each member may only make ONE post containing both their Birthday greeting AND their chosen balloon number.
- Balloon prizes will be revealed soon after 7th December. Entries after this date will be ignored.
- Each balloon prize can only be awarded a maximum of ONCE so TRY NOT TO PICK ONE THAT SOMEONE ELSE CHOSE as only the FIRST to post the corresponding balloon number will win the prize revealed on that balloon. No other prize will be given if you choose a balloon after someone else has posted the same one (and NO - you cannot ask me to remove it so you can choose again - so please look at other numbers picked BEFORE you choose and make your post).
If all balloons have been chosen before you get to post, sorry but there will be no further prizes available. Be sure to be quick to check and post your entry and visit every day to check for other contests
Enjoy our 20th Birthday Party contests
Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:56 pm; edited 4 times in total