Dear Crushers,
As our Christmas party continues, here is a contest from an idea by mlj774.
For this contest you do the following (please provide a NUMBER between 1 and 99 AND a CHRISTMAS WORD OR PHRASE that RHYMES WITH THE NUMBER). PLEASE READ ON ....
For example ...
3 - Christmas Tree!
The First member posting must use the number 1 and Christmas Rhyming word or phrase that rhymes with the number One. The next will use the number 2 along with a Christmas Rhyming word or phrase that rhymes with the number Two etc..
Please make sure you allow another person to post after you before making another post (no double-postiing). You can enter a maximum of 5 times! (any member posting more than 5 will be excluded from the contest!). If you happen to post at the same time as someone else with the same number - just leave it and let the next person post the next number (both will be included so long as nobody that just posted the last number posts again)...
There can only be 99 entries total so when 99 has been posted, no further entries will be included.
At the end of the contest (either when 99 has been posted OR the contest ends at the end of 25th December) ... I will make a random draw of 6 numbers from each of the ranges as follows:-
A member can win more than once in this contest (but can only post a maximum of 5 times or they will be excluded)
Those with a the number matching the drawn number (and being a valid rhyme) will win $5 (if there are 2 or more of the same number posted next to each other then only the first one will win.
If the number has not been chosen (either because it was skipped or we didn't reach that number) then nobody will win a prize for that number -- so be careful to make sure you don't skip ahead!
if any entries are excluded (for over-posting or invalid non-rhyming entries) and a winning number is drawn for that entry then the nearest earlier valid number entry (before) will be declared the winner.
Good luck everyone!

Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total