I am very proud of myself, because I finally published my Family Tree online. Seven years ago, I decided to research my ancestry, but the only information that I had was my maternal grandmother's name. I did not know my maternal grandfather's name, nor my paternal grandparents name. In matter of fact, no one in my family ever mentioned my dad's relatives. Now after those seven long years, my Family Tree has grown to over 14,000 members with over 4,000 surnames. My family begins in 1393 England, then migrated to Scotland/Ireland and settled with the French Huetts. In the mid to late 1600's at the beginning of the Irish Catholic/Protestant War, the migrated to a new World. They colonized large areas, fought off Indians, played a vital part establishing the Declaration of Independence, fought in the Revolutionary War. What was especially interesting was tracing their migration from Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, crossing into Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennesee, Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana. Then as the United States opened up westward, they migrated to Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, California, with later decendants moving up to Oregaon, Washington. I was able to learn how they lived, what life was really like from their personal stories.
My next project is to trace my ancestors past 1393, and believe me that will definitely be a project. You should check it out, because with over 4,000 surnames, we might even share some of the same ancestors.
The Jack Family
Check it out and let me know what you think.