I just found out that after having downloaded one of (our "Monthly Slots Casino's ) and not having actually examined my best sign up bonuses betwixt and tween the choices.... figuring that I could sign up ....download at each one of them.... by which entertaining a new/different environment and check on the difference in the win/lose ratio(for my own betting benefits.... of course)... and see if I could make an actual preference.... welll ....... My preference will be the one that is honest enough in their marketing .... and let folks KNOW to whom they are related/sistered with and the acquiring/loss of sign-up bonuses....
Okay, I know, folks... it is due to my own laziness not to research enough ..........obviously ..... that I have found myself in such an issue!!
But ..... ded burn it anyway..... I think that if the casino's are "Actually" True Blue.... and not got sneakiness about them they should want to advertise their personal relationships(with other casinos) and ought not be allowed to burn us for bonuses !!
OKay, here's the deal.... I signed up, and gamed at Music Hall...and deposited there....and for a change of pace I decided to try one of the other casinos...(ya know downloaded, registered, and deposited)... and I waaasszzzzzzzzzz very curious why I had not been bonused upon my intial deposit .... but it was late and I figured they would catch up to me .... sooon...hmmmmmmmmmm! A couple of days go by and I logged in .... and noticed still NO bonus????hm... so I went to the ole.... Live Chatter-owee-nier thingeee and .... came out .... my head hung waaaaaayyy lowwwwww for having realized that indeeeed..... I had Nothing Coming!!Dang-thing,dang-thing.....Me that is for having NOT DONE MY OWN HOMEWORK..... DUH!! Like ... I guess ....maybe I am reverting back to 2nd grade or 2nd childhood ....and mighty early..... does that mean I am finally going to make it on the early bloomers list????Hmmmm the concept is actually looking very scarry .... I better just accept the fact that I am getting older, lazier, and just maybe even a pew--bic harrr wiser....just maybe?!!
Thank 's for allowing me the space to really ....hmmmm .... well ... ya know! I won't go through it again... if necessary... as I said I am lazy....just go ahead on back and read it again.... from the top .... and well ... Nap time!... Who's turn is to bring the graham crackers anyway???