Warning paypal email Scam!! do not reply to this email if you get one
Dear PayPal Member,
This email confirms that you have sent an eBay payment of $347.85 USD to
achaade13@yahoo.com for an eBay item.
Payment Details
Amount: $347.85 USD
Transaction ID: 2LC956793J776333Y
Subject: Digimax 130
If you haven't authorized this charge ,click the link below to dispute transaction
and get full refund
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Item Information
eBay User ID: scratchandgnaw2
Edward Harrell's UNCONFIRMED Address
Edward Harrell
211 David St.
Springtown, TX 76082
United States
Important Note: Edward Harrell has provided an Unconfirmed Address. If
you are planning on shipping items to Edward Harrell, please check the
Transaction Details page of this payment to find out whether you will
be covered by the PayPal Seller Protection Policy.