Hello Crushers!
Again the totals for this contest is awesome!!! We definitely have some game players!!!
Here are the top 10 Crushers qualified to enter this contest:
1 dirtydd, 6,583,408
2 royalblush, 6,173,310
3 char1984, 5,757,910
4 NonoNanette, 5,133,523
5 sunspun, 3,086,855
6 nancevp, 3,040,597, did not post, disqualified
7 darrin6, 2,564,544
8 suziq012, 2,483,277
9 kaykyl, 2,444,118
10 webdeb, 2,303,851
11 beckie33, 1,809,134
The above names were placed into my tupperware bowl and the two Crushers names were pulled out by my lovely assistant Kristy.
The winners of this contest are:
Congratulations dirtydd and char1984! Your Neteller accounts will be credited within 10 days.
Happy Gaming Always!
