Hi Bingo Players,
As you know, my power was starting to flash off and on at the very end of Bingo last night. That is what I meant when typing "TELL OC" as you started to leave.
I lost power completely just minutes after Bingo, before I had time to send you individual credit PMs about your won points. But I DID credit you where I thought it was most important - on the office PAY page so you would get paid. Then immediately lost power.
I am in the middle of a bad ice storm with a little bit of snow on top. Cars are crashing everywhere. I went out in front of my house where 3 different car crashes happened today and brought the families into the house to get warm. It is bitter cold. My good-natured dogs even entertained the scared kids!
I had emergency heat sources in the house, but most people don't. Was very glad last night and today. Used Christmas candles for light, plus had stored a few battery lanterns.
Anyway, I just regained power and will start crediting your points that send you PMs right away. I understand there have been complaints about them being credited "late". Crushers, I must be honest with you: I do not believe the very next day is too late for you to be credited. I really don't. It might be different if we had paid membership at CC. Anyway, I do request sincerely of you to direct your complaints to ME when I am the one causing your complaint instead of bothering someone else about it. I believe that is a reasonable request also.
Just wanted to offer you all an explanation of what happened. Now I want to hurry and get your points credited before the power fails again, although I sure hope it doesn't! The snowballs you all throw hurt worse than Maw's punches!
See ya's tonight for Bingo. Everybody PLEASE COME!
RC, always totally honest and outspoken with you.

Last edited by royalblush on Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:03 pm; edited 1 time in total