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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:27 am    Quickie Contest :) Closed Winners Announced
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Hello Crushers!

Please tell us .... yes we all want to know lol

your most embarrassing moment. Shocked Shocked Shocked Razz lol

Everyone making a post will have their names placed into a random drawing.


1. Everyone that makes a post will be placed into a random drawing.

2. The winner must have at least 3,000 cc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner has less then 3,000 cc points then they will receive 3,000 cc points in lieu of the $30.

3. Hurry this contest will end soon and we'll be giving away 1 or 2 $30 prizes.

Good Luck Crushers!!

Happy Gaming Always!

OrangeCrush Wink

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:42 am    -
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OMG the forum will run out of bandwith if I start this one lmao

I dont have a major embarrasing moment but a hell of a lot of minor ones. I wrote this one in a previous contest which was to post about ourselves.
I will copy it to here then I dont have to cringe as much writing it again hahaha

When me and the girls go on a night out, its not for the faint hearted I can tell ya. This is when most if not all of my most embarrasing moments happen.
One that comes to mind is a couple of years back, me and the girls were out and we were doing a pub crawl. We had got through quite a few pubs and on the way to one, (very drunk by this point) a police car was driving really slow by us (we were being abit loud) lol.

(This is what I woke up in the morning remembering, and had it all confirmed from some of the girls)......
I approached the police car who had his window down, and asked him if there was a problem, I then gripped his shirt pulled him towards me give him a kiss and asked him to arrest me. I then held my hands out infront of me and told him to get the handcuffs out cuz I loved to be handcuffed (I was saying)

"Still not arrested" lol I continued to ask if I could have a play with his trunchion, then got on the bonnet of the police car where i lay until he got out from the car.
I then got him on the bonnet shouting
" oooooooooooo how I love a man in uniform"

Well I woke up in the morning and it all come back to me OMG i thought I must have been dreaming it, until the girls confirmed it had all really happened.
I still to this day do not know how I wasn't locked up, he must have had a good sense of humour (OR HE JUST REALLY LIKED IT) lol

So there you have it, there is usually drink involved when im being a naughty girl ROFLMAO

Thanks for the contest OC

did my drinking pics have anything to do with this contest idea heehee

Still Luv Ya Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:44 am    -
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Well actually I have several embarassing moments Embarrassed but the one that comes to mind is my ex-husband and I were going to a Football game and Bryan Adams was going to be the entertainment....

I said to my ex "omg what will happen if Bryan Adams gets hit with the football while in concert" I was really concerned...My ex said Sarah Bryan Adams is performing after the game Laughing Laughing

Duhhhhh to me... Rolling Eyes

Thanks for the contest....

Good Luck,

sisters Smile

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:43 am    -
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embarassing moments
Well I can remember one righ now that comes to mind is I went out and party up too much with my new boy friend which is now my husband . I was so drunk that I could not remember how I got home .I was walking down the hall to go to the bathroom where I know I was going to get sick . I was bouncing from wall to wall but made it there . I knew if I did not get there soon enough there was going to be a big problem .Well needless to say I got sick .If you know what I mean . And Steve my boy friend at the time heard me . He was so worried about me he came into the bathroom to help . I had reall long hair so he held my hair back so I would not make a mess on it .he cleaned me up and took me back to go lay down . But I had a water bed a natrual one with waves and all lol. well it did not agree with me so off we went again . Steve mad me a bed on the floor and layed with me till morning . When I awoke I was so embaras wouldn't you

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:45 am    -
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I don`t have any moments I can call embarrassing... but I remember one from my childhood , that still hunts me.
I was 8 years old and was chased by my older brother and his friend on the bike. I crush my bike and lost the race.My brothers friend come to me to help, I was OK but went straight to my house to check my body parts Smile We were having big mirror in corridor ,I did lift my clothing to check my rear site, was looking in the mirror when I heard big laugh....my brother with his friend were bi hind doors ,but we have a small opening in those doors for mail and they could see my imagine in the mirror.... I still remember how bad I felt knowing what they have seen ... I never toped that feeling so far ...lol

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:53 am    -
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Which one to choose? I guess my most public embarassing moment happened when I was about 13. I was slow to "develope" and looked so flat in a bathing suit that I didn't want to go swimming at the neighborhood pool. My Mom gave me a pair of falsies ( flat runs in the family) to put in my suit. I was looking good and feeling confident. Unfortunately she neglected to tell me to pin them in so after a dive into the pool, guess what made it to the surface before I did.! Needless to say Mom never saw her falsies again because I didn't want to claim them in front of everyone. While they were being tossed around like a fat mini frisbee, I slipped out of the crowded pool, grabbed a towel and covered up before anyone could notice I had literally "lost" my shape. Embarrassed

Thanks CC for bringing back that painful adolescent memory. Laughing

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:42 am    -
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I can share a 'tame' embarassing moment here wink

Long ago, when I was around 11 years old. I dressed in my best party frock to attend a friends birthday down the street. After the usual party games we headed outside to check out a new feature in my friends backyard: a home made 'tarzan' swing.

Basically a rope tied to a tree with a huge knot at the end.

Being a show off like most young girls, I agreed bravely to go first. There was a small structure beneath the tree which had to be climbed in order to reach the rope, sit on it and leap off. I got on top of the roof, scooted along on my butt to the end, wrapped my legs around the rope. I was ready for take off. I leaned back ready to show the neighbourhood girls and boys what I was made of, when in the middle of my take off there was an almighty ''RIIIIP"!

Someway or another, my undies had become snagged on the roof, and there they hung limply while I and my naked ass flew high above the neighbourhood kids AND their parents heads. What a view!

I am still ashamed thinking about it.
Embarrassed Laughing

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:27 pm    -
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I think one of my most embaressing moments was when I was drunk once. I had passed out, then I woke up having to go pee. My husband said I got up went to the closet door opened it and squated. He said he was trying to get me to stop but I couldn't hear him since I was still mostly asleep.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:41 pm    -
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one of many, many...

I grew up in Alaska, so when I went to school in New Mexico, the winter didn't really phase me. I was walking to class in some little dress shoes on the ice and someone asked me, "hey, aren't you afraid of falling?"
Of course I said, "are you kidding me, I'm from Alaska" except that last word was a bit of a scream as I slipped and fell right on my butt in front of everyone. It hurt, too!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:49 pm    -
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Here is a good one for you and it involves "Dr. Love".

Back in the olden days when I was younger, my husband still tried to be romantic esp. with small kids in the house. For our anniversary he left me a note explaining how I had an apt with "Dr. Love" in the bedroom at a designated time. Very romantic that man back then!

Well, I saved the note. I saved it on topof the microwave for the longest time. A keepsake, a momento.

The problem arose when the same tablet of paper was used to write my son an excuse for being absent from school. You can probably see what is coming but that particular busy school morning, I grabbed the excuse from the TOP OF THE MICROWAVE and gave it to my son to take to his teacher.

Apparently when the teacher opened the excuse my son gave her, it was from "Dr. Love".

We lived in a very small town at the time and the entire teaching community, by the end of the day had read the note, even the principal. I got a call asking me about "Dr. Love" and what particular hospital he practiced at. They all wanted appointments! LOL

Later the principal confided in me that he had given a speak at a convention of principals and had included the story of excuse from "Dr. Love"

I must say this was must most embarassing period of time (not a moment, much longer). The problem is, I am not sure my husband shared my embarrassment...........


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:50 pm    -
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Mine was when I was about 19 and had just gotten new dentures.We were at a hockey game and I still wasn't use to talking with them.I was hollering at someone and my teeth came flying out.It was quite embarassing.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:52 pm    -
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I made some very inapropriate comments about what happened at a bachler
party on one of those stupid videos they make during a wedding. The ones where they ask you to share a little something personal about bride and groom. It was one of those booze induced ramblings where you wake up the next day and go Sh*t, what did I say! I called the videographer and begged him to edit it out...he left it in. Embarrassed

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:12 pm    -
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Once , while working the window at the post office, a customer asked to use the restroom....I took 'him' to the men's room.....not a man......

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:59 pm    -
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Okay well I give you one of many
My cousin and I went to the same bar evey night to drink and dance. This was back in the eighties. Everyone knew us well and we enjoyed the atmosphere there. We had been there several hours one Friday Night and had been drinking heavily, and had to go to the restroom. After finishing our business there we walked back across the bar (about 75 feet) to our usual table, I noticed eveyone watching and couldn't figure out why Until I felt a draft. Seems I had tucked my skirt into the back of my pantyhose and given everyone a free show. The worst part was the DJ asked for tips for me!!!!!!!!!!!!LMAO

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:14 pm    -
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I think out of many embarassing moments, the one that springs to mind is this....

I was about to take a shower, alone in the house I thought, when after undressing discovered that there were no towels in the bathroom. I quickly went to the linen closet in the hallway(nude) to get some and when I turned around, my (now ex-)son-in-law was standing at the foot of the stairs just staring at me. Very embarassing!!

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