OMG the forum will run out of bandwith if I start this one lmao
I dont have a major embarrasing moment but a hell of a lot of minor ones. I wrote this one in a previous contest which was to post about ourselves.
I will copy it to here then I dont have to cringe as much writing it again hahaha
When me and the girls go on a night out, its not for the faint hearted I can tell ya. This is when most if not all of my most embarrasing moments happen.
One that comes to mind is a couple of years back, me and the girls were out and we were doing a pub crawl. We had got through quite a few pubs and on the way to one, (very drunk by this point) a police car was driving really slow by us (we were being abit loud) lol.
(This is what I woke up in the morning remembering, and had it all confirmed from some of the girls)......
I approached the police car who had his window down, and asked him if there was a problem, I then gripped his shirt pulled him towards me give him a kiss and asked him to arrest me. I then held my hands out infront of me and told him to get the handcuffs out cuz I loved to be handcuffed (I was saying)
"Still not arrested" lol I continued to ask if I could have a play with his trunchion, then got on the bonnet of the police car where i lay until he got out from the car.
I then got him on the bonnet shouting
" oooooooooooo how I love a man in uniform"
Well I woke up in the morning and it all come back to me OMG i thought I must have been dreaming it, until the girls confirmed it had all really happened.
I still to this day do not know how I wasn't locked up, he must have had a good sense of humour (OR HE JUST REALLY LIKED IT) lol
So there you have it, there is usually drink involved when im being a naughty girl ROFLMAO
Thanks for the contest OC
did my drinking pics have anything to do with this contest idea heehee
Still Luv Ya