Hello Crushers!!
This is really a quickie contest because it closes tomorrow. I know I have at least 1 x $30 prize left to give away this month possibly more, I'll have to get the ol' pencil and paper out, kick off my shoes so I'll have extra digits to add with and do some figuring up to see exactly how many prizes this contest will have. lol
I was thinking earlier today (I know I try not to do that lol) but ... anyway I was thinking February is kind of a weird month don't you think? Its quite different then the other months we have.
For one thing look how its spelled. February The majority of my friends pronounce it Feb U ary hummm maybe not a good point to make because they are kinda dorky. lol
Its a month for lovers, its also a month with a lot of Wonderful Crushers birthdays in it too!!
Its also the shortest month of the year. I was kinda wondering why they didn't just shorten 3 of the other months from 31 days to 30, so they'd be more uniform. I bet some bone head made the mistake and when they finally noticed the mistake it was too late to change it because the calendar was already printed. What do you think? lol
And what about that poor child that is born on the 29th? That would suck! You only could really celebrate your birthday once every 4 years. (I'd love it now but it would suck when you're a kid!!!) lol
Ok Ok Ok enough of my senseless babbling, even though I do it well, lol ... Crushers please tell me when there are 29 days in February what do they call that year? And when you were a kid did you like to play "Leap" frog? lmaooo or if you're not quite sure what they call the "Year" they have 29 days in February, just make a post and your name will be added into the random drawing. lol
Yeppers Crushers we have to have rules. lol
1. All members entering this contest must make a post.
2. Everyone making a post will be placed into a random drawing.
3. The winner(s) must have at least 3,000 cc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner(s) have less then 3,000 cc points then they will receive 3,000 cc points in lieu of the $30 cash prize.
Well there you have it ... an easy quickie ... just like I like them. lmaoo
Good Luck Crushers!!!!
Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:24 am; edited 2 times in total