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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:13 pm    -
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Indeedy... good idea -

If you don't 'get the point' of this message by now then you're not going to. Please just BE SENSIBLE WHEN POSTING TOPICS.. It should be fairly obvious what is 'right' and 'wrong'..

This topic is now locked - subject closed - back to the good stuff wink


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:35 am    -
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Guys and gals...

I'm being VERY SERIOUS now ....

PLEASE abide by the terms above..

So far I'm going to have to ban THREE members for not abiding by the '2 consecutive' no deposit bonuses (mainly 'old bonuses' rule) from LUU already this month..


(I hate being 'in charge' sometimes!!!)


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:47 am    -
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Dear Crushers,

I'm very sorry but I'm now REMOVING the LUU contest for March due to the actions of a few that have decided to go against our many many previous requests (which have come from many other members) about posting more than 2 consecutive promos in the No Deposit section AND BUMPING their own posts (sorry but it's so obvious when you reply to your own topics)..

Anyway, I'm sorry but I'm getting sick of asking nicely and whilst I appreciate your placing banners (hence the rewards of the whole LUU thing - it's looking like people are starting to 'try it on' again)..

So, for this month (March) - LUU has now been cancelled.

If I see those offenders posting in a better way then I will re-enable it next month otherwise I will come up with some other way of rewarding members for 'quality' of posts.

Sorry guys and gals but I can't spend all day repeating myself to members about repeat posting and bumping...

Hopefully the lack of LUU will make you stop

(not very happy having looked at No Deposit Bonuses over last few days!) Sad Sad Sad

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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 3:37 pm    -
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Dear Crushers,

Please note that (from the point of view of many other crushers searching for bonuses or anything)..

- Please do not create copies of your posts and then just come back and post exactly the same later - all these duplicates posts make our forum look very spammy and reduces the benefit of you linking us up.

- Please also do not 'buddy up' on bumping your posts ..

Basically ANYTHING that looks suspicious or does not look genuine and posted genuinely for the benefit of others (other than just trying to help only yourself for LUU) , will be dealt with accordingly,..

We are THE ONLY FORUM to offer this to our members and have already given a lot away to those that have participated and we appreciate your efforts and want to reward them but PLEASE DO NOT GET GREEDY from the generosity of this or we will have to exclude those that do.

I will be deleting a bunch of duplicate posts so if you see your posts going down a lot today - that will be why.

Not seeing this post is not an excuse ... this is just making it clear for those that seem to be trying to bend the rules more and more.. Please just don't spoil it - be happy with what you've been winning already..

This is start to upset the 'happy and fun' thing of CC now and I will stop these and do this in a much less 'competitive' way (it is not supposed to be a competition any more - more of a reward for good but reasonable effort - not over-posting and trying to cover our board with all your posts)..

Hopefully this will be my last time posting in this thread wink wink

Happy Gaming Always!


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:50 am    -
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Dear Crushers,

Firstly, THANK YOU to the many of you that have kept within the rules and sorry that I have to add another one due to some recent activity I've spotted..

Further to us trying to keep the No Deposit forum in a reasonable and useful way - I have introduced a new rule - which applies with IMMEDIATE EFFECT to any posts made AFTER I made this one..

If you already have 5 (or more) topics that you started showing on the 1st page of the No Deposit forum - you should wait before posting any further promotions (particularly if for the same casino / an older offer). HINT: Best to save your postings for NEW offers wink (otherwise we start to get people page-hogging which also doesn't look very community-spirited).

I today noticed a LOT of posts/re-posts for older promos today from many of the same people - this is really of limited use to anyone (as I said before - people WILL scroll through the various pages - you DO NOT NEED TO BE ON PAGE ONE to do well in LUU)..

PLEASE - before I have to introduce MORE RULES .. then think what is reasonable, sensible, and what you would think if you were looking for bonuses and saw what you were posting.

This is not directed at any one in particular, but I'd really like you to please THINK before you go ahead and post otherwise we will have to reduce LUU because of the few that are making our No Deposit forum look like a post-a-thon with many repeat topics etc.

Thanks for listening all wink

Happy Gaming Always,


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:04 am    -
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Just a reminder to members who are posting that the "max" on the 1st page of the ND section is "5" and no more than "2" in a row..

Please make sure you follow the rules..Also before making a post check to see how many you have already posted and to make sure your post is NOT a repeat of another..it's not hard to check as it only takes a second..

Posting is starting to get out of hand again and I would hate to see anyone banned from the LUU Contest..

SC Smile

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