maybe so that winners can change and us who post a bit less can have a chance, maybe do something like the top game points contest where you can only get top prise or in this case so much worth of prizes and then have to wait 2 or 3 months before you can win again. This I believe would give all of us a fair chance.
I do win other contests so I am not say waaa I never win I just have never won this one ever, I figured with having to join the usergroup and having less people in the drawing I actually had a chance lol. so far nothing.
Spookth I do not want you to leave. I think you should wait and see what Geno comes up with, I know he always tries to be as fair as humanly possible. ok thank you all for letting me ramble on I am done now hehe
Hi Sable, i think this is not a normal contest where you guess something and you can win.
This contest is a reward for people that take the time to surf the web everyday to find new promotions. It is a reward for people that go to all the other forums promoting Casino-Crush. And i can assure that this is a very hard work.
I'm writing this, because i'm one of the winners every month. And, trust me, i spend all my free time here, trying to do my best.