Hello Crushers!
I'm always trying to find out different things about our members and this contest just might help. lol
Ok its pretty self explanitory, here's how it works....
First person will say: "Have you ever....
Second person will say: yes or no and then ask a new "Have you ever ... question
I'll Start lol
Have you ever met anyone in person that you've met online?
1. All members making a post will be placed into a random drawing.
2. The winners must have at least 3,000 cc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winners has less then 3,000 cc points then they will receive 3,000 cc points in lieu of the $30 in their Neteller/EcoCard/QuickTender account.
3. All those entering must have a certified Neteller account/Eco Card Account or QuickTender Account in order for us to make payment on the prize awarded. Contest will end in a few days.
Good Luck Crushers!
Happy Gaming Always!


Last edited by OrangeCrush on Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:07 pm; edited 3 times in total