Dear OC ~
When you get to finally read this, you will know I can't say a thing that our great members have not already said to you! You are soooo loved!
Some have expressed concern, some have given advice, some have offered reminders, but ALL have shown LOVE and a sense of temporary, thank God, LOSS.
Everybody misses you, but none more than I do! I can fill in a bit here and there BUT, my dear friend, you are one irreplaceable lady!!!
This has certainly made me realize how much I appreciate you, and even more, how much I truly care for you!
We can't help but worry, all of us, about how you are doing - any more than we can stop wishing you get back here where you belong SOON! CC is just not CC without our Orange Crush!
So we will limp along, doing our best, while we wait for you, but as far as I am concerned, it will be no more than limping until your return!
Much love to you!
P.S. to members: Please be patient with me. God and OC aren't finished with me yet!