Hello Crushers!!!
We would like to know if members would like the option to "save" their prize winnings from CC until the amount is larger. ie $100, $150, $250, $500
*Note: If you were to choose a 'minimum payment' option then we'd want you to keep it for a reasonable amount of time (i.e. at least a month or two between changes - otherwise it will just get messy and confusing).
This is for those that rather than get more smaller amounts of $30 now and again, would prefer to build up until a bigger amount is due then have that in a nice, bigger lump sum.
If you think you may be interested in this option please post below and if we have at least 20 members wishing to do this we will add it the 'minimum payment level' option into our payment method / options (and everyone's would be defaulted to our standard minimum (currently $30).
Should you have any questions about this possible additional option then please post them here as well as whether or not you like the idea
We would like to have as much input from you as possible by the end of July so we can then make a decision as to whether or not to do this.
Thank you!!!
Your CC Staff