Hello Crushers!!!
We will be going to Las Vegas this fall (October/November) and if you are planning on joining us you can now save your prize winnings from CC and cash them in when you get to Las Vegas!!!
Geno has now added this new payment method.
From the time you choose this payment method until the time you hit Las Vegas, Geno will bank all of your prize winnings from CC and deliver them in CASH to you when you hit Las Vegas!!!
For those here in the USA that currently receive your winnings via PayPal you'll receive your total prize amount $30 instead of having deductions taken from PayPal to make the transactions. So you actually will be receiving more then you normally would.
This is a great option to save extra cash to use in Vegas!!! (if you're anything like I am .. I'm not much of a saver. LOL)
We will be doing this for this coming Fall Vegas Trip as well as for next Spring our trip to Atlantic City. (The option for Atlantic City will be posted after the Vegas Trip)
If interested simply go to the red section above and click on "Payment Methods" and find it under "Save for Vegas".
If you should change your mind about this payment method before going to Vegas, then your winnings earned up to that time will be deposited in your new payment method you select and you MAY then not be able to opt back in for the Cash-Savings method until after our Vegas meeting.
Please note that if you want to use the Save for Vegas option then once approved please do not keep swapping ('special circumstances' included) - it you later opt-out then generally speaking we will not allow you to go back to the Save for Vegas (or Atlantic City) savings method.
If you have any questions, please post below.
Thank you!!!
Your CC Staff