Hi there all,
I just wanted to reassure those of you that have sent me / OC / RC notes about VIP claims / access to the VIP area.
As I'm on vacation / holiday at the moment, I'm not online so much and it often takes a bit longer to deal with such things.
Please rest assured though I will get onto them as soon as I can, latest by 27th (but some take a week to verify the first one), so please allow the first week of July.
I will reply to all either way on each PM - no need to chase me (no-one has yet but well just to try and help my inbox not filling up too quick hehe).
Also, for those valid claims, I will make sure they are processed as if processed in June so the 'redeeming cash for points in the following month' if you have/would have reached the required 5 VIP points with those claims, you will be eligible to claim in July. Often I will process them in the same month anyway for established VIPs (those that have redeemed before), and those where we can validate good standing (i,e, no chargebacks on accounts etc), quickly
Those that registered Red Flush accounts are generally delayed anyway whilst some reporting is corrected on their side. All I can ask is for your patience on this one but please feel free to register them asap in the VIP area if you have access (or send me a PM with your account id if you don't have full access yet and I'll get them sorted asap).
Best regards and Happy Gaming Always,
Geno/CC (in Las Vegas hehe)

Last edited by crushadmin on Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:48 pm; edited 2 times in total