Hi everyone,
Just a quick note to let you know that our Paypal account is currently pending a review and so cannot be used at the moment.
I believe this is a routine security check and should be resolved within the next couple of days (but bear in mind it may take a little while longer as staff returning from holidays have a back log to catch up on).
We aim to continue paying prizes using Paypal now and in the future and so this is just really for those of you that might look at the Contest Winners page and see others (using Neteller for example) have already been paid when others are normally due or paid earlier.
Sorry but I will be deleting any PMs asking about payments - because as I have to keep repeat saying - we pay everyone as soon as we can and if others are paid before then it is for good reason and to try and pay those that we can pay as soon as we can.
Please do not panic and change your payment method - Paypal should be fine. If it is ever not - I will make a public post to that effect
Thanks everyone for your patience and HAPPY NEW YEAR
Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Sun Dec 25, 2016 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total