Dear Geno, Sarah and Crushers,
the past 3 weeks have not been the easiest weeks to say the very least.
We made it to Maine and worked our butts off last weekend taking care of Barry's sisters last wishes by organizing her things to go to the different places she wished them to go to like all of her food to go to the food bank, clothing and furnishings to go to a church to be sold and using the money to be given to the needy, found the different bills that needed to be paid got them ready to go etc etc etc. Monday we got up to being thrown off of the property because her two kids went to probate court to dispute the will. Court is at the end of October before anything can be done now, so Barry will have to come back for that.
We made it back to Massachuttes and was finally able to lay Jane's ashes to rest today, at least we were able to do that without too many problems and are heading back home now. We're about 40 miles east of Albany, NY.
I've had very poor if any internet and my cellphone has been very spotty so I've been cut off really from anything for the past week. I was finally able to talk to Kristy today for 2 minutes before we were cut off.
I can't wait to be back home!!! Hoping we'll be back in 5-7 days. (I'm going for 5 lol)
Geno, thank you so much for your patience, Sarah I can't thank you enough for everything you've done!!! And Crushers, I can't tell you how much I've missed all of you!!!
We plan on getting up early tomorrow and traveling as long as we can and fingers crossed we'll be able to find a campground with wifi a couple of hours before bingo tomorrow night.
Sarah thank you so much for getting all of the contests ready, I completely forgot that today is the last day of the month but I didn't forget it was your mom's birthday party and I see you have everything taken care of as far as bingo goes tonight. Thank you so much!!! I am so sorry I haven't been in contact with you but it couldn't be helped. From our experience getting to Maine from Utah I should be able to at least call you within the next day or two, the closer we get home the better reception I get, so I will be calling!!!
I hope you and your mom are having a great time tonight and again thank you so much!!!
Again another novel, but you didn't expect anything less right?
I miss you all so much!!!
I should be here again tomorrow night, I'll have to dust the bingo balls off ... and fingers crossed the internet will be with us!!!
Take care everyone and I sincerely hope to see you all in the chat room tomorrow night!!!
Huge hugs and love