Hello, fellow Crushers!
I am soooo excited!
Six months ago, I made reservations for a place I wanted sooooo badly to go for a week -- I AM HERE NOW!
But first I had to find and buy and get working a "laptop connector card", so I could continue to stay with you while I am here! I got it working night before last! Arrived here last night!
I just plug my USB device into my laptop and I am online -- even where there is no cable at all!
If you want to see where I am with a very good friend and 2 happy doggies - and I bet you will plan to come here too! - just click on this link:
OOps. Before I give the link, let me tell you it has nothing to do with any gambling site and I am not connected to them in any way!
Now here is were I am until after election day night:
It is all advertised plus more!!!!!! So happy we got to come!
Give it a look and maybe a try.