Silver Dollar Crusher
Joined: 18 Jul 2004
Posts: 799
Location: N.Y
I did this and got a $25 chip but I didn't make any money off it.
Ill post my story here.
The following is a true story. None of my friends
like to talk about it nowadays.
Back when I was in the 5th grade something happened
that would change my life. My friend Phil was having a
sleepover party for his birthday. We played video
games and watched some movies. Later we brought out
the foam nerf toys and had some battles. Also there
were sleeping bag wars. We would each put a sleeping
bag over our heads and try to knock the other over.
It was a great night.
During the nerf wars something happened that would be
important later in the night. You see, the nerf bow
and arrow set had a new feature --A rubber tip that
made the arrow screech when it was flying. As a side
effect, they cause a bit of pain when hit with one
because of the added weight. Out of some stroke of
good or bad luck, one of these arrows hit a weak point
on Phil's miniblinds causing them to become
permanantly shut for the night.
So after we did some nerf-fighting and oogled at
playboy magazines, our host Phil fell asleep. Matt and
I were left awake. We both settled into our sleeping
bags and were sitting up talking when a bright blue
aura penetrated through the miniblinds. Curiously,
the broken miniblinds served as a disguise for
whatever ship was hovering outside the window. I
remember feeling overwhelmed and terrified but there
was also something about it that gave a sense of
benevolence. Whatever it was wasn't going to hrt us.
We felt its presence for who knows how long. Time
seemed to stand still. When it was over Matt and I
looked at each other and tried to find meaning in our
glances but all that did was verify that we were both
terrified. At the time the thought of a ghost or UFO
never occured to me for I was not into the paranormal
back then. Whatever it was seemed natural. It was
supposed to happen. We woke up Phil who told us it
was probalby car headlights or his neighbor shining a
flashlight at us. But I can assure you this was no
earthly light source.
What was this blue aura. The ambient light of a
spaceship? A ghost that floats around town through
windows? Could it have been just some car headlights?
In retrospect it is possible/ Personally, I think it
was a Plaedian spaceship that did not want to abduct
me but rather has been watching me my whole life and
still is. Recently I have had a vision in the clouds
and seen a Plaedian male face with long hair.
Plaedians are one of the races of aliens that are
existing here on earth with us. They are trying to
save the human race from being enslaved by another
alien race called the Greys. That story is a true one
that you can read all about it on the internet.
Silver Dollar Crusher
Joined: 18 Jul 2004
Posts: 799
Location: N.Y
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