Good evening, my dear fellow members ~
I would have been here earlier today, but I got completely carried away with the best poker lesson I have ever seen from our dear Guru at PC.
Even other poker pros and OC could learn something from this one! And non-players would, I think, enjoy it also.
Well, I just got here, late on only my second day, so I am glad all of you know better than to expect perfection, and I am glad that both Geno and OC are ALMOST as easy-going as I am. te hee
Anyway, I don't really know why I am posting this, except that I am sooooo excited with this new challenge -- and I DO mean challenge -- and I am so happy that most of you seem to have accepted me and are okay with it. I thank you VERY much for that and I shall cherish each and every congratulatory post forever -- no exaggeration! (I am even printing out copies of them to frame for my new den/office!) (ALL of them!)
So if yours is not on my wall,, uh, hmm,...WHO did you say you were? Are you a member here?
ROFLMFAO! Oh God, I hope you know I am joking and only teasing you. The devil made me say that.
But seriously, I DID MEAN challenge! I had no idea how much work goes on behind the scenes here! We are sweating it out with our noses to the grindstone even when we don't show as being checked in! So why am I so happy? I dunno, unless because I love a challenge as well as all of who elses you all know I love.
Did that sound like a cross between insanity and genius?
They say there is a fine line..........
Well, time to get to work and see what I can do for you tonight. (Left myself wide open there, huh?
Later, gators...and HAPPY GAMING ALWAYS!
At your service in a royal way,