Hi there,
We've literally just started - our main launch is due for the new year, but to kick things off we're offering you the chance to win some free cash.
To be in with a chance of winning one of the following prizes, you need to be one of the first 50 members to register
The first 50 members will each get 2000 CC-Points rather than the standard 1000 CC-Points!
What are CC-Points?
Well, these are going to be used to reward our members. We are hooking up with casinos to offer you some great cash-back deals with CC-Points. More on that later. You want to know about the cash right?
Well, for certified Neteller and ACH members..
(please make sure you enter your registered neteller/ach email in your profile)
We'll be giving away the following:
1 x $50 - for the person earning the most cc-points by posting the best topics and getting the most responses. You must be one of the first 50 registered members to win.
($50 prize won by LoveMe2 - CONFIRMED)
1 x $20 - for the most unique offers with most interest
($20 prize won by Joann23 - CONFIRMED)
3 x $10 - best ideas in the "Shape our new forum" forum
($10 prizes won by:
-LoveMe2 (Live Chat - coming soon) (CONFIRMED)
-Joann23 (Instant Wins - we've done a lot of them now!) (CONFIRMED)
*clara (General Questions forum suggestion - done)
* Pending confirmation of certified neteller/ach - please confirm to me (crushadmin) via PM. Please can you respond ASAP
1000 cc-points prizes for those who may have won had they been in the first 50 members...
dillyh (brighter colors - which we have now done)
asidea (free 9 reel slot idea - to be worked on)
You have until 31st Jan 2004 to qualify and you can start right now and get in quick!
Winners will be posted on 7th Feb.
So get busy!
Happy Gaming,

Last edited by crushadmin on Sun Feb 01, 2004 2:59 pm; edited 11 times in total