Hi Crushers, after making a post for NonoNanette, I went to my private messages to find this about win4maw:
Just wanted to let you know that I fell last night at bowling. I tripped over a bowling bag strap and did a swan dive. The floor is carpeted over cement so I landed hard. I fractured my patella and am going to the ortho this afternoon to see if I need surgery. Was in ER from 8:20 to 1:30 Am Have a brace on it and am using a cane or walker. Very painful and difficult to walk.
Here is her message after seeing the doctor:
He is going to treat it conservatively for now. I have a whole leg immobilizer on to keep it straight I am not allowed to bend it for 2 months, then it will be a gradual thing. He drained 30 cc of blood out of it and was surprised he got so much. Pa and Kurt are having to work LOL I am allowed to put weight on it though. Can't even bend it when I take a shower.
Jane, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and wish I lived back east so I could help you and Nono out!!!
I hope you have a speedy recovery hun!!!