My Dear Sitemates ~
(Do you think the word "sitemates" may still be exclusively ours?)
After thanking Geno and Orange Crush profusely for honoring me this way, I want my first statement to be directly to my fellow members. That statement is this: I am as aware as you are that there are many of you who could do a much better job in this position than I could ever hope to do; but for your own individual reasons, such as lack of time or desire, you simply have not opted to seek it. I also promise you that I shall never forget that fact!
I have no special qualifications for this job, other than a strong desire to help every one of you in any way I possibly can. Also, I have a burning desire to keep CC just the way it is, except for extremely good ideas for improvements. In other words, If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.
I’m sure you already know how much I care about the Crush sites, both this one and our baby brother site, and how much loyalty I feel toward any and every Crusher. You could not possibly be unaware of how much respect I have for anyone who proudly embraces the name of Crusher.
Prior to accepting this job, I actually went through every page of our member list -- and every name -- and I can now tell you that I could not find a single member whom I could say I dislike. In fact, for many of you, I would honestly have to change the word “like” to the word “love”.
"Love" is not too strong a word to use when talking about our warm, friendly, loving family atmosphere. I, like you, have been forum hopping, but NEVER have I seen an ambience even close to what we have here. I have thought a lot about that. How this group, with so much in common, ever found their way to get together all in one place.
I think the answer might be that the newer members either feel comfortable with the high standards set by the "older" members and fit right in and grow -- or in a short time, they go away, leaving us with "the cream of the crop". I have always been convinced that our average IQ is much higher than the average internet group and that our values can be summed up as decent.
Cream rising to its own level also explains that.
But for whatever reason, we all know we have something here that goes a step above and beyond. Something we value highly.
I pledge to do all I can to make sure we keep it that way.
I know I have a dry sense of humor, and some of you I pick on and tease unmercifully. I hope and feel sure you know that is one of my ways of merely showing affection. It is NEVER ridicule, which a newcomer might mistake it for.
And the last point I want to make sure you understand: I am the same person today that I was yesterday, and probably always will be, hopefully with some improvement from your influences.
I guarentee you total honesty always, so if you don't want to know, don't ask.
I guarentee you loyalty and only one face. I refuse to talk about anyone behind their back, unless it is to praise them.
I guarentee you support for any difficulty you may encounter, at CC or personally.
And I guarentee you my best.
And most of all, I pray you will accept me as part of our staff , and always as your fellow Crusher and sitemate.
Sincerely, VERY sincerely,
RoyalCrush/former royalblush