Hey those of you that joined in the Live Chat contest yesterday..
And for those of you that didn't.. here's what you missed out on..
tntloveg - $20 no deposit account Club Paradise Casino account + 250 pts
GoNowAndSee - $20 no deposit account Club Paradise Casino account
shalissha1 - 3100 cc-points
LusciousLola - 900 cc-points
Loveme2 - 1000 cc-points
CamposJd - 1000 cc-points
Orange - 500 cc-points
MSGTKIM - 1500 cc-points
pevangel - 250 cc-points
spike38 - 250 cc-points
wiltonjr - 250 cc-points
Club Paradise Casino accounts to be credited by Wednesday 11th Feb.
cc-points will be credited by the end of today.
Hope you all enjoyed the fun.
We played the following games...
- Guessing Games (what animal, what casino, what drink I was having! etc)/
- We played "order of the board" where we each put one word in the order on the board and made a story until someone put the word or type of word I was thinking of ... That was so funny.. the alien story may continue next time..
- We also played a VERY frantic guess the number between 1 and 1000 which although only took about 5 mins had me in fits! Very mad!
Please pop into Live Chat some time and see who's around.. if I happen to bump into you whilst chatting, you might just nab some bonus cc-points and maybe even a casino account
Happy Gaming Always. Have a great weekend!
Geno/CC & Staff
Last edited by crushadmin on Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:00 am; edited 1 time in total