There are 3 $25 NETeller cash prizes available to be won in the following categories:
1) To the member that guesses the day or closest to the day that the 1,500th member joins
2) To the member that guesses the time or closest to the time the 1,500th member joins.
3) And finally and just for fun, to the member that tells us what feature here at Casino-Crush keeps you coming back and why. All participants must include a casino banner in their post.
So please reply to this post with the following information: 1. Date 2. Time 3. Why do you keep coming back? Along with a casino banner in your post.
- Prizes can only be paid to CERTIFIED Neteller accounts and your Neteller account email MUST match the one in your CC forums profile.
- All members are eligible to enter given that they became a member prior to member number 1,476.
We should point out that anyone taking part will need at least 2,500 cc-points in order to win a $25 cash prize which will be redeemed if they are drawn as the winner. If any of the members drawn have less than 2,500 cc-points they will be credited 2,500 cc points to be redeemed in a future contest.
- Entries must be in by the date that we received member number 1,475. On that date, this contest will be locked and no further guesses will be allowed.
- Select the date and the time you think Casino-Crush will have its 1,500th member join along with just for fun, tell us what feature here at Casino-Crush keeps you coming back and why, then reply to this post with your answers along with placing a casino banner in your post.
- The member that guesses the day or closest to the day and the time closest to the time the 1,500 member joins will win a $25 Neteller account each. The winner of the just for fun contest will be determined by Crush Staff. If there is a tie there will be a random drawing. Only 1 prize per person will be allowed. Your neteller account will be credited within 10 days from the end of this contest.
Only members that join prior to member number 1,476 will be eligible for this contest and the contest will be locked when we reach the 1,475 member. So please post as soon as possible.
CrushAdmin Geno, OrangeCrush, DrCrush and LadyCrush
Last edited by OrangeCrush on Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:08 am; edited 7 times in total