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150 Gold Dollar Crusher
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:12 pm    THIEVING FROM KIDS I'M SO ANNOYED Reply with quoteBack to top

Well Crushers, my son had his bike pinched last night from out the back of the house,
its always secure and the gates etc are always locked. Got up this morning went to take them to school and the gates were unlocked and his bike was gone.
What i dont understand is my partners bike was next to his unlocked and alot bigger than Brandons but that was left.
he is so gutted as he uses it everyday, hes only 8 so why take a childs bike and not the adult one. I get so angry when people do things like this, i would never dream of doing something like that, but i suppose we are not all thieves.
It always happens to those who dont have anything. I cant afford to go and buy him a new bike at the minute, and why should i have to, he had a bike which he has looked after and uses so i shouldnt have to but ive tried and phoned everywhere so far with no joy.....

Anyway just had to tell you all. I know there is not alot I can do except hope that someone sees it. xxxx

Cheers all for letting me vent my anger

mel xxx Very Happy


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Silver Dollar Crusher
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:30 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

aww Mel i'm so sorry for your small fella what a #$% UP THING TO DO!
i hope you catch who ever did it! and you very may well spot the fecker riding around on it after all he had the cheek to steal it -no doubt he hasn't got the sense to not ride around on it and get spotted!


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150 Gold Dollar Crusher
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:36 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

To: Mel and kelmel ~

First kelmel ~ My goodness, girl, you sound, not like your intended target, but more like Johnny as the pirate in Pirates of the Carribbean! LOL!

Dear friend Mel ~ You are welcome anytime to vent on my personal shoulder. Far better to let the anger out than to hold it inside to poison! But I'm sure you alrady know that.

I am suggesting to you that the reason they did not take the bigger and better bike is because it was a kid about the size of your own. Therefore, I would not give up on getting it back -- if his parents are any kind of parents at all.

You should also report it to the authorities who can help you --because you are far too upset right now to try to find and take it back from the little thief, who was thinking and feeling God knows what at the time he stole it.

Please PM me and vent some more if you feel the need. I will do anything at all I can to help! Cannot stand the thought of the little one missing his dear bike. Or the hurt you feel when you look at him.

Just don't do anything you would regret with the passage of time.

People's lives have been ruined for less!

Give the little guy a hug and tell him it is from Bobbie, who loved her bike too. Okay?


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Silver Dollar Crusher
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:11 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

And Mel i remember years ago when i was a teenager having my best pair of JEANS robbed of my mums washing line ! so there will be NO level that some people won't stoop too.i just hope for Brandons sake that the bike is returned and he can go back to doing wheelys and bunny hops!


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:13 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top


Mel it sucks big time hun Mad It seems to me that a lot of these CREEPS tend to prey on the vulnerable in this case your son...I hope you find the bike but I hope also find the CREEP who stole it and get him tell Brandon that sisters is feeling his pain and give him hugs from me...


sisters Smile


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:14 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Mellllllllllllllll..... So Very Sorry Hun.... Jeeze I wish we were closer to each other because my daughters father (aka-my baby's daddy-<lol) has a backyard full of bike frames/parts & he "owes"!! I know it wouldn't be the same, of course. I totally relate to the anger & frustration you are feeling!
When my daughter was little, we (like most parents) had a bookshelf 3 tiers high full of Disney-VHS movies in my t.v. room..Every time I'd dust, I'd notice more n more spaces empty on the shelves...Grrrrrr, come to find out one of our *so-called-friends* had been jacking them from us 2/3/4 at a time for almost a year & pawning them to our local neighborhood Drug Dealer!!!! Mad Mad Mad

Anyways, I am so sorry for your little one, and hope with all my heart you'll find it real soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ~Patty


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150 Gold Dollar Crusher
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:18 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Thanks for your support everyone, Royal i dont think it was a child who has taken it as it was took around 5am this morning and there is no way anyone but an adult would have been able to undo the locks on my gates.
i think its someone who needs a bit of cash quick for drugs or something,
Brandons bike is worth more than the bigger one thats why i think they have gone for that one.
I must have every person in my town keeping a look out for it now anyway lol.
Also phoned all the second hand shops first thing and gave them details just incase someone went in trying to sell it in them, and ive reported it to the police so heres hoping.

I will update you if we do do get it back but as the police said a bike can be changed to look like a completely different one very easily and very quickly so there is only a very slim chance of us finding it as it was.

Very Happy


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:14 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Mel3 report it to the police and then check your homeowners/renters insurance sons motor cycle was stolen and our insurance covered it...sorry you were robbed.. it just kinda makes you feel vulnerable and naked for awhile.hope this helps ya!

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:30 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

I wish you and your son the best of luck in recovering his bike, Mel


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:56 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Another thing for everyone to do with your kids bikes, tools, anything that can be "lifted" (we found this out from a cop when we had a bike stolen)..

Get a small engraver. In a spot on your item not easily looked at or found, carve in your name, initials, or anything you want to identify the item as yours.

Then if your item is found you can easily identify it for the police or yourself just by looking for your mark. People erase serial numbers because that is what they look for to hide their theft but they don't search the whole item for "marks" and if done well they might not recognize it if they see it.

If you think you have found your bike - this is proof that it IS your bike and not one that looks like it.

We found our bike at the library... yes... the guy rode it around town.. probably thinking no one would notice.

This doesn't help you now but if you get the bike back or he gets another one, mark it.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:04 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Oh I meant to say engrave deep enough so if they repaint it the mark can still be found.

Also a good place to mark a bike is under the rubber bike handles on the bottom. Even if they change the handles they most likely won't look underneath.

Of course if they stole it for parts - well the likelyhood you will get it back is slim to none.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:13 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

oh wow isnt it not-so-good now adays nothing is safe...they even chain down partner...uses his bike for work ...rides to ferry then gets to seattle and rides another 10 morning he got up at normal time for him....4 am.....and his bike was gone off our back porch...and the way our house is sitting no one can even see the bike from normal veiw of public walkways or i know the feeling of not being able to do anything for a loved this type of thing....

an idea though is if you have a picture of the bike, make a bunch of copies and hang them up everywhere......never know..some kids parents might notice that hey thats where that bike belongs....if persay some kid took it....

hope everything works out...glad we could be here for you to vent....its a healthy thing.


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150 Gold Dollar Crusher
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:49 am    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Thanks again for your help everyone.
I have coded the bike with Smart Water (if you dont know what that is read here)
Which is unique only to our household. But again it can only be identified if found. I will be out searching again tomorrow lol. They will wish they hadnt taken it when i get my hands on them lol

Very Happy


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:20 am    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Mel, I'm sorry. I was hoping.

Listen, everybody, with the price of gasoline being what it is, and still rising, and with the population becoming more desperate, we had all better keep tight reins on anything with wheels we own that is smaller than a car.

Let's hope our economy is going to turn around soon. The "experts" say it will happen. We have recovered and had prosperous times from times like these before!

Steps are even being taken by some in the U.S. Congress to reverse this trend toward anti-gambling!

So let's bring better times on faster by putting some positive energy into its welcoming committee!


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:03 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

sorry to hear about your kids bike mel and hope you get it back tho thats unlikely...just another thing that shows how sick this country is getting as to many people are getting things stole just so junkies can get money to hit up ...personally id just give them all super strength heroin then maybe people would be able to leave stuff without the risk of it getting stole

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