WTG Patti!! congrats!!
It's cool to see someone win from that casino.
I don't think I'll be able to get anything from Bet Phoenix. I tried (again) to log in yesterday. After trying every thing I could think of, I contacted Live Chat.
. After that I was PO'd, so I replied to their email.
Looking back, I maybe should have waited........................
It seems as though I cannot log in to your casino. I tried a couple of days ago and then again today. I tried different combinations of passwords and user names but I just kept getting the message that either my user id or my password are wrong.
Again today I tried to download. It starts out ok but then I get the message I already have the system running and that I should close down the other system and try again. I turned off everything that I am able to, then tried to download again and I got the same message.
None of that upsets me too much I know sometimes thing don't work. I can wait to try again later or tomorrow. What does bother me is the Live Chat service. When I tried the other day I kept getting a message that operators will soon be able to assist me. After about 15 minutes I gave up. The fact that you were very busy is sometimes unavoidable.
However, today I tried logging in and all that stuff again without successfully being able to connect or to download. This time, I was attended to relatively quick by someone, this person had to connect me to someone who could help me. That didn't take that long either. I don't remember the mans name (I really wish that I did) So, he asked me some questions and I gave all the information that I was able to. One thing I did learn is that the password that I was trying was correct. He asked me a couple of more questions, but I wasn't getting any information that would help me. Then he asked "what page" was I trying to log in from. I didn't quite understand what he meant so I answered him "casino?" he replied "yes". That was the last communication that there was. I thought he must be trying to figure it out and I waited, and waited some more. I don't know exactly how long I waited (too long, I thought) Then the message came up that the session was closed by the chat provider side (or something like that)
At that point I was very unhappy (to put it lightly) I waited all that time just to be disconnected? Did the man I was talking to think the problem was solved? I'm not sure what it was. The fact that I have, a few times now, to tried to gain access to my account, without success. It was a bit frustrated about that. To just disconnect our communication like that, it was like someone hanging up on me on the telephone. I thought it was rude, unprofessional, and uncalled for.
I'll be honest and tell you that for today, I was only going to use a free chip. I won't have any type of funds until next week. What had happened today, I think was disrespectful and insulting.
At this point I don't really care about getting a free chip from you, much less make a cash deposit. I suggest that you get your customer service to improve. I can't speak for all players, but how I am treated has a lot to do with how I feel about the casino.
Good luck to you.[/size]
.....I tend to write long messages (as you can see) when I am really not happy.
At least I didn't swear at all. Well, I did but not in the email.
I felt much better after I sent it to them, so it's all good.
I apologize that this mesage turned out to be so long