Dear Crushers,
With us having so many contests running throughout December, I will be changing how often the Contest Notifications mailers go out.
For the month of December (1st to 31st), they will go out every 24 hours (rather than 72 hours) - this is so as to keep everyone informed of the many different, particularly Daily contests we will be running.
You can subscribe to this mailer by clicking on the following link:-
Subscribe to our FREE Contests Notifications mailer
and then following the instructions to Join/Subscribe.
The same link can also be used to UNsubscribe in case you do not want to receive them (and this link is included in every email that you will receive at the bottom just in case you decide later).
Remember you also earn extra CC points for posts, replies and PMs by being subscribed to this group.
You *MUST* add webmaster (@ symbol then) to your address book in order to receive these emails (you can do this in several ways, or if you just want to send an email to us - that will often do the trick to add us to your OK / safe list).
You must, whilst being logged in - subscribe to the group (link above) to be on the mailing list.
Good luck in all our contests this month Crushers!
Happy Gaming Always,