This card comes with $100 already loaded on it and it works like a credit card and you may reload the card through the operating casino's that you are allowed to play at. There are some listed that are not offered here at CC. You can deposit $25 at one casino or the whole $100. Make sure that you keep track of where and how much you have deposited. I just redeemed at a casino $25 last night. You can cashout on this card with the bonus that is already on it!
There are two easy ways to get a Players Rewards card:
Invitation: A select few individuals have been invited to receive the card for free to beta test.
Purchase Online: Use the directory to locate online providers.
The casino's listed are:
Coolcat casino

Slot Madness

Slots of Vegas

Prism Casino

Club Player

Cirrus Casino

Palace of Chance

Wild Vegas

123 Bingo Online
