Hey there Crushers: I have used your forum for a while but never really played the contests or took advantage of the CC points. I would like to start and although I have moved around your site to try and get a handle on the ways you can gain points I do have a couple questions. Whenever I try to play your games I get the message I don't have access. What do I need to do to get into your tournaments and access the games? I get confused with some of the posts I see. Some of them go back a couple of years but I am assuming they still in place with respect to explanations about CC points and other various things offered on the site? Maybe someone can help bring this horse to water. I do want to say your web site is fantastic and I have found it to be very entertaining. Oh one more thing is there a spell check when you are posting because I don't see one in any of the Icons above the message box area.
Take care