Below is what Casino Crush has paid out to it's members since Dec/03.
It also shows how much each member has won since they've joined..
This all can also be found:
This is just a reminder of how much Casino Crush gives, so if some have not won a Contest in awhile please be patient and keep entering..
There are a total of 3,331 prizes won over the past 9999 days, worth $175,364
afulk8 ($1,655) -ahtram88 ($30) -ajsandiego ($465) -alaska49 ($65) -allight ($1,865) -annacris ($17,393) -anneandalan ($560) -ANNETTEF Anonymous ($725) -ashley85 ($130) -asidea ($25) -AssoMaster ($895) -Atavin ($50) -babsy47 ($554) -bagofflys ($100) -BARB711 ($65) -Beckatha ($110) -beckie33 ($3,285) -beckylee1954 ($50) -bee12o3 ($1,640) -beech ($25) -biggtroy ($715) -blueyes37 ($25) -bmicomp ($25) -Bob6188 ($715) -boo75 ($30) -boris3073 ($3,600) -Bower50 ($5,550) -brad244 ($30) -brantheblessed ($30) -brickyard23 ($610) -broxi ($1,366) -Bugola72 ($528) -bulldogcutie03 ($50) -bustermoves ($30) -carm1 ($160) -carolewh ($130) -carouselcloud ($60) -casto65 ($30) -catty78 ($679) -char1984 ($1,695) -charly75 ($300) -chessa2 ($310) -chipsgalore ($30) -cindy7186 ($700) -cmj926 ($30) -cmr29sun ($60) -cocakolakid ($3,058) -colin146 ($210) -concan ($605) -craklyn9 ($30) -crzynana2001 ($2,706) -daddyrusto ($70) -darrin6 ($2,420) -dbelles ($25) -DELWINSLOW ($60) -denise82 ($80) -Diasker ($210) -dicky1 ($608) -dime1313 ($350) -dirtydd ($30) -DixiesMom ($785) -DJSirius ($85) -DolphsLdy ($180) -DumDum ($5) -ed1974 ($120) -ega66 ($775) -ejaeruss ($120) -elflady4747 ($30) -emeraldharley ($30) -emma13 ($60) -ergopro ($1,060) -ezwin ($30) -flowerpk ($30) -freegbird ($30) -getback ($35) -ghost30 ($740) -Gijan74 ($1,011) -gjr1961 ($1,270) -goou111 ($350) -iriedreaming ($90) -irishdaisy ($60) -iwona20 ($370) -jackie ($290) -jamesmbako ($25) -jappepoika ($40) -Jarrod ($30) -Jayne1313 jdemosit ($25) -Jessesgirl77 ($30) -jewelee707 ($36) -joann23 ($229) -joc21 ($150) -Johlee ($25) -josie46 ($2,389) -jseisel ($30) -julie1366 ($175) -karis69 ($840) -kaska321 ($1,790) -kay2469 ($30) -kaykyl ($704) -kazk ($785) -kcloves ($30) -Kdal29 ($1,113) -kellnbrt ($585) -kelmel ($340) -keyunj ($140) -kianme ($180) -kildemosus ($820) -kittycash ($90) -kkrisqmb ($759) -Kraziegurl79 ($1,785) -krazykracker ($50) -LdyRayn leifen ($2,550) -libraluna ($480) -lilherm15 ($30) -lilnickie25 ($30) -linnie16 ($1,430) -liquidsoap ($300) -littlerosey ($30) -Lizi59 ($30) -Lori212 ($230) -LoveMe2 ($350) -luckygirl777 ($209) -LuckyItalian ($1,192) -lucky_dan ($30) -lucy0909 ($50) -lulu515 ($30) -lunachick ($935) -m8ryann ($560) -mackieo ($89) -Malvax ($100) -mamaw618 ($540) -MANICPANIC68 ($30) -maoreo ($1,425) -marco77 ($30) -mchavez3 ($235) -Mel3 ($3,225) -midnight ($300) -mirrors34 ($150) -missadams ($60) -mistressnic ($120) -mizza ($90) -mlm51274 ($25) -mlover22 ($30) -mmrobert ($719) -moe506 ($30) -mojojds ($1,096) -momin95 ($140) -Monica ($3,418) -mooska61 ($325) -mr2bad4u ($50) -Mrs. $$$ ($180) -mrsdrt6 ($140) -MsChikaBoom ($60) -msfilly ($270) -msholland ($300) -Muffin ($25) -MyDogMick ($90) -mystkdmsl65 ($25) -niek ($690) -NonoNanette ($8,503) -noorduyn notLOL ($1,607) -odysseyryan ($100) -ojisplayin ($2,395) -okswthrt ($60) -orgepark ($30) -pamelas46 ($30) -pastmember ($2,660) -patichuli ($30) -paulajardine ($1,360) -PegeeSue ($90) -petie55 ($60) -Phoenix21 ($2,080) -psychomom psykoe77 ($330) -PUZTIME ($1,334) -quest88 ($25) -r8er4ever ($70) -radion3 ($100) -rafa74 ($250) -raideramy ($279) -ratfang ($670) -rave ($30) -RBcasino ($839) -reallyi1 ($5) -rebago ($140) -rebeccalynne123 ($495) -ring657130 ($110) -rizzlachic ($685) -rlholman ($25) -rob ($1,050) -romeow01 ($29) -royalblush ($2,677) -rsablebomb ($1,684) -Sabrina ($30) -schnezze ($400) -sensfan4 ($30) -sharksteeth ($60) -sharon030161 ($1,040) -shawn16602 ($60) -shayanab ($30) -sherbear69_ ($25) -Shirlsplay ($340) -shoe ($150) -shortstuff ($120) -simbrock ($120) -SisterCrush ($5,246) -SisterSherri ($380) -SkBurner ($50) -skinnyviking ($30) -skippi ($170) -slamdoggie ($265) -slippery_69 ($30) -Slkybenz ($30) -SLOTMAGIC ($30) -slotmom ($1,830) -sneaky62 ($30) -Sodax77 ($900) -soljah11 ($70) -sophiemick ($30) -spitkicker ($520) -spookth ($6,100) -squawjo34 ($135) -Starcaster ($315) -Stimorol ($30) -str8lagger ($30) -sugardoe1 ($30) -sukondeez ($30) -sunspun ($630) -SUPERDUDE ($1,355) -superewok ($513) -suziq012 ($2,210) -sxygrneyez2 ($90) -TammyNC ($30) -TDTAT ($30) -tduterte ($30) -teddiec ($30) -TheFunk ($260) -thrashbeth ($90) -tincy102 ($30) -tobad ($225) -TONYD197333 ($5) -toxicace ($90) -traca69 ($190) -treehug ($764) -triathlon ($30) -trvls4fun ($25) -try4gesdis1 ($25) -tunisianswife ($55) -tweet21 ($50) -txhunter ($30) -uhdunno ($90) -valeria ($2,095) -VanillaSkyHigh ($799) -vazz ($30) -Voightster ($150) -webdeb ($1,065) -WendyToo ($5) -wify999 ($30) -wildchil6955987 ($280) -wildkygirl ($80) -wiltonjr ($420) -win4maw ($10,521) -WinnerPLZ ($25) -wintermare ($230) -wordhsgm71 ($30) -xps ($55) -Xyphrax ($1,049) -y13supio ($180) -yosbree ($444) -zemina98 ($55) -zonn61 ($230) -zuka ($1,305)