Guys and gals,
I'm sure you've seen all about the Haiti earthquake in the news.
Tomorrow I will be donating something from CC to the British Red Cross via a Neteller campaign which can be seen at the following page:-
If anyone wishes any of their contest prizes to be donated (not expected but I know some people may wish to), then please let me know and I'll add our that on before sending our contribution tomorrow.
Anyone donating any prize money will NOT be deducted their CC points for their prize and I will post a screenie of the total amount sent from us once it's done.
If you do wish to donate some of your prizes then please post a reply here along with the details/amount and I will be sure to add it on before sending the amount. Please also note that this offer is open to ALL members (regardless of your payment method) and Neteller will not be charging any fees for the money sent.
Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:56 pm; edited 2 times in total