Dear all,
We have been working away again at CC with another new feature for you. It's our new Casino Coupons Database.
With a lot of help from several other members (see below) we have been beta-testing this great new tool, which allows members in the special 'Coupon Coder' group to add new coupons for casinos as and when they hear about them.
A BIG thank you for the following members that have all helped us build this new addition to CC - for the coupons they've added so far, and all the help with getting it to what it is now - a great big difference from when it first started.
BIG THANK YOU'S TO annacris, sisters, valeria, win4maw and to our very own OrangeCrush for helping with the beta-testing of this. Look what we've achieved working together...
The idea of the coupons database is to ensure:-
=> No Duplication of the same / old codes (our new system will not allow codes already entered to be entered again - only edited by the first person to put them in)
=> Accuracy of only showing those that work, not expired codes.
=> Lots of quick ways to find the latest ones and ...
=> An automatic emailer that will tell you (if you subscribe) of new codes entered into our new Coupon system. (click here to subscribe now) . You will need to be registered and logged in to do this
Just in case of any issues, or incorrect information, you'll be able to PM the person that entered the coupon information and they will be able to correct it when they are next online.
Simply click on the UserGroups link (on the menu) and then find the BONUS INFORMER GROUP (drop down list) and then click View Information - then on Join Group.
(or click here to go there now and hit Join Now)
(If you wish to unsubscribe at any time - repeat the process but un-join ) - there's a link in each email directly to the unsubscribe page too
- The mailers are automatically sent every 6 hours since the last one was sent (only if new ones have been added since the last one was sent). To catch up with what's been already sent so far - go to the Coupons Database and search through the big bunch already there (lots of things you can search by - date added, valid to) and none should ever be shown that are out-of-date
(this will be available from 1st August 2007 only except those already who have very kindly helped with building this new system *)
(to be able to enter and share information about new coupon codes as you find them - AND you have been a member for at least 3 months - and have a good reputation for posting good, accurate coupon information in the past) then sign up to the COUPON CODER Usergroup.
- When you post new coupons they will show in our Coupons Database and be searchable by everyone AND we'll automatically attach your LUU id for any casino links so you'll earn extra LUU's too
Tell us what you think - we're always wanting to know and well - we can still improve further perhaps - but only if you tell us
- Will you be signing up for the Coupon Informer group?
- Try out our new Coupons Database and see what you can find!
- Any questions? please post them as a reply here

Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Nov 19, 2024 11:03 pm; edited 5 times in total