Dear Crushers,
Since 1st August 2022 we implemented a new rule (announced in June 2022) that any prizes for members that have not yet been paid (either because they do not have a valid Payment Method OR they had not reached the minimum $20 required for a payout) will expire IF the member has not logged in for 2 years or more.
This is so we can release these funds for prize money to be paid to Active members.
Every month on 1st I will check for any such prizes and will Expire them and add them to our *Total Expired Prizes Pot* .. currently at $336 (as at 1st August 2022).
I have decided to even this out over 12 months and will take whatever the previous months Total Expired Prize Pot was on 1st and divide this by 12 to give our Current Month Expired Prize Pot.
Our Current Month Expired Prize Pot is ($336 / 12) = $28 in prizes!
Each month we will have a different theme for the contest
Contest for this month:-
1. Make sure you have joined the LUU Authorised Participants group if you haven't already. You can apply using the following link or go to UserGroups and select it (and it will be approved within 48 hours).
Join LUU Authorised Participants
2. Qualify for the LUU contest (making at least 3 promotional / bonus topics in any of the appropriate forums - No Deposit, Match Deposit, Tournaments and this includes those that are automatically posted if you use our Coupon Coder (there is a group to join for that also) - see under UserGroups. You must make the minimum 3 posts during THIS month. Please make sure you use our Banner Code to generate and copy / paste the banner code into your topic so you will generate LUU clicks Please also make sure you abide by all general posting rules.
3. REPLY TO THIS TOPIC saying that you would like to take part!!!
That is all! If you need any help with the above - please feel free to PM me or reply here with your question(s).
Contest Prizes Draw / Rules:-
1. All forums rules regarding posting must be followed. 1 warning will be given by Private Message if you are found not to be doing this.
2. All entries to this contest will have 1 ticket from which we will draw prizes as follows:-
1st drawn - 50% of the Current Month Expired Prize Pot
2nd drawn - 25% of the Current Month Expired Prize Pot
3rd drawn - 25% of the Current Month Expired Prize Pot
You may continue to enter every month in this contest - it will be renewed with a new Current Month Expired Prize Pot and a different contest / mission

Last edited by crushadmin on Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:39 pm; edited 2 times in total