Dear Crushers,
Our exclusive game Mazuma Mazes continues our long series of Mazes named A through Z!
This long series will be made in parts, this 4th part including the following:-
July Jubilation - random style with a total of $185 cash prizes with a range of $1 to $10
Knock Knock on the walls - lanes style with a total of $185 cash prizes with prizes ranging between $1 and $10
Leave nothing - no walls/no swaps - just roam around collecting = total of $265 cash prizes with $1-$10 value
There is a total of $635 worth of CASH prizes hidden within these 3 mazes!
Maze J will open very soon (you can check how long until it opens by going into the Mazuma Mazes menu) ... and then K will open when J is completed , L will open after K is completed.
Good luck everyone and Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total