Dear Crushers,
mchavez3 suggested it , we did a poll and you have told us ..
So, we've now re-launched the Casino Member Reviews ...
BUT (for those of you that did it before).. please note that we've created a 2 special 'Member Casino Reviews' forums:-
Member Casino Reviews (Work in Progress) - this is where you create your review (please copy and paste the template in that forum before you start each one).. and you can also Edit / post screenshots (see the forum rules in there for full information).
Member Casino Reviews (Final) - once we have checked that your review meets the criteria (i.e. you have filled out with a good amount of writing for each part), we will move it to here (where it cannot be edited) and will then be eligible for any Review-related contests (depending on the criteria of each contest of course). Currently you cannot reply here but we may enable this later.
Member reviews has good benefits for members:-
- All members / visitors - It will help other players to decide of their next place to try out.
- For reviewers - extra LUU clicks possibility (as you can put your banners there)
- For reviewers - we will be having Contests (watch out in the contests forum) for 'reviews of the month' type and other specific contests for those reviewing specific casinos as we slowly grow our Members Reviews.
Also, we are looking at the possibility of giving bonus VIP points to players writing a review for a casino they signed up via our banners
I'm sure we will change and improve this in time but for now we hope you like it and find it useful.
Thank you mchavez3 for your suggestion to bring it back. 5000 ccpoints are winging their way to you right now.
Get writing folks and happy reviewing!
CC Staff team