Hi Crushers,
Time for more Geno daily contests (uh-oh here comes trouble lol)... Here's Part 1 of ermmm who knows how many lol.
So what strange subject will we start with this time? Ermm... (ouch my brain is hurting only after 2 seconds lol)...
Well something that often intrigues me is how people found us. With nearly 200 new members joining every month for the past few months - I'm still feeling very on top of the world with the growing community of cool members we have and those that are joining us... We of course want that to continue and I think the responses from this contest will help to make sure that we continue in the right way..
So, my question is simply... "How did you find CC / what made you decide to sign-up?" - was it a friend telling you about it, did you see us another site from another members post, from a search engine - I'm sure no-one just happens to type 'casino crush' into their search engine.. so what were you looking for when you found us (if you came through a search engine)..
Just simply anything that helps us maintain and continue building the awesome community we already have which seems to grow bigger and stronger finding even more great people in the world to laugh with and enjoy each others company...
So... 'Go Ahead - Make My Day' and tell me please
1. All members entering this contest must tell us their reason for joining CC'.
2. All members doing this will be placed into a random drawing, where we will give away 1 $30 Neteller Prize or $30 worth of Casino-Crush merchandise.
3. The winner must have at least 3,000 cc points in order to claim a prize. If the selected winner has less then 3,000 cc points then they will receive 3,000 cc points in lieu of the $30 in their Neteller account or CC merchandise.
4. All those entering must have a certified Neteller account in order for us to make payment on the prize awarded or elect to receive CC merchandise. Contest will end 9th May, 2006 and the prize will be awarded within 10 days after the drawing.
Good Luck Crushers!
Happy Gaming Always!