Well Crushers, this contest is really special to us. It is a contest to create a logo for The Casino Crush Clothing Store!!!
What we are looking for is something that we may be able to use on T'shirts/Hats/Mugs etc and thought ..who better to ask than the Crushers themselfes!!
So for this contest you will need to create a cool logo..mabe use the color scheme we already use here or create a new one altogether..

Your logo must have the words - Casino Crush Forums in it .
2 X $29
1) You will need to create a logo and it must include the following - Casino Crush Forums in it to be considered an entry.
2) You will need to have 2900 CC points in order to claim a cash prize. If you do not have 2900 cc points then 2500 cc points will be awarded in liu of the cash prize.
3) By entering this contest you release to Casino Crush and it's affiliate sites the use of the logo at it's discretion and understand that NO additional monumentary prize or cash will be awarded or given in the future and that you will be giving Casino Crush ALL rights to this logo for life.
4) The winning entry may not neccessarily be used.
5) Contest closes on June 30, 2005
Have FUN Crushers and lets see some really awesome Logo's!!..We know you can do it and make us all proud..

CC Staff

Last edited by Guest on Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:28 pm; edited 2 times in total