Fortune Room Online Casino brings the classic Las Vegas experience right onto your desktop. You can play all the traditional casino games (and some newer ones) from the comfort of your own home, in a safe and secure gambling environment. As a member of the Fortune Lounge Group of online casinos, we share their ethos of loyalty to each individual player, outstanding service and support, and a secure online casino platform. Sign up to Fortune Room now and you can play for a 1000% bonus! When you sign up you get $100 to play with FREE for 7 days. Every dollar won you win is equal to a 1% purchase match (e.g. $212 balance = 212% purchase match), with 1000% as the maximum bonus. Once you have won, you can claim your match % bonus. Simply make a purchase between $35 and $50 and Fortune Room will then add your bonus according to your winning percentage.
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