Hi Kellye, I live in Utah aka the state that borders Kentucky apparently lol also known as the last state to ban online gambling, which isn't true either ... but recently had all my microgaming accounts closed.
Villento and Casino Rewards has since unlocked my accounts and this is the response I received from Villento as to what's going on:
Rita, I will need to inform you that Microgaming have put a block on all players from one of the 13 banned states based on their respective IP address and this decision is out of our control. This is the reason as to why your casino account has been locked. I have however unlocked your casino account from my side but there is a chance that you may not be able to access your account based on an IP block. However if you can access your account, then you are more than welcome to deposit and play.
I did call them after receiving this email to make sure that if I was able to get into my account, made a deposit and lucky enought to make a withdrawal, would I receive my money? and was told of Yes, of course I would.
So far I've done everything but the cash out part
lol ... I'll let you know what happens if that ever happens. lol
With all that being said, we do have to remember this is not any of the Casinos fault, they would love to keep us as customers ... its the good ol USA government threatening them with lawsuits if they don't do as they say. grrrr I do agree that sending an email explaining that our accounts were locked would of been a nice thing to do though ... oh well. lol
I wish our Government would be honest with us at least this once and tell the real reason that they are causing such a stink about online gambling. Its because they are loosing out on a LOT of tax money.
I think a simple solution for everyone involved would be ... Any person living in the USA that receives a cashout from an online gambling site will automatically have 10%/20% taken out prior to issing the rest to the winner. Then every month the casino can send a check to our "Uncle Sam", that will make him very happy and have "Uncle Sam" give us back our right to be a responsible adult again, that would make me very happy!!!
This plan would be very simple, no names, no IRS, no right offs, no accountant necessary, we all pay the same percent and its taken right off the top before we even see it.
Okie dokie I'm backing off my soap box now LOL Thanks for letting me say my 2 cents worth!!!
And Good Luck to All of Us!!!