Enjoy bonus hunting ?
We now have a cool searchable database for all you bonus hungry folk
All Gambling Bonuses Database <- Click here
Search by software and no deposit/match deposit etc..
30th Dec 03: Launched casinodb
18th Jan 04: Now includes some Poker and Bingo sites
13th March 04: Currency selection and lots of UK and Euro offers added
sometime in between: Payment Methods (neteller, click2pay etc) selections added
6th Jun 05: New Sportsbook section added
10th Oct 05: Vote Ratings added as a sort option in our Bonus Database
25th Oct 05: Audited Overall Payout %'s added
20th Nov 05: Instant Withdrawal/Cashins added + Maximum Bonus % and €/£/$ amounts too
25th Nov 05: Now you can search by 'those with Vote Promos, Redeem Offers, VIP points offers, Contests at CC.
Every item that has one of these is shown at the bottom of each entry in the Bonus Database
27th April 06: Improved selection criteria for Software type (Bingo is now broken down into the different types of bingo software/networks as well as Poker, and some new Casino software types have been added. Also the Voting page within the forum has been improved to include this new functionality
5th Oct 2006: Due to the immiment US unlawful internet gambling I've added a selection (those accepting US residents). I will do my best to keep this up-to-date. Hopefully this will only be a temporary thing but either way it will stay here until further notice.
Also I made a few new pages which quickly shows our most up-to-date listing of Casino, Poker and Bingo sites accepting US resident players:-
Bingo Sites accepting US resident players
Casinos accepting US resident players
Poker Sites accepting US resident players
You can also search our bonus database as before with the added selection criteria of 'accepting US resident players' (it's on the top menu on the bonus database).
2nd Dec 2006: Date Added - You can now make an additional selection (and sort option) based on the date that we added sites to our Bonus Database. Please note that as the 'date added' was not implemented when we first created the database, this information won't be 100% correct for older sites, but everything in the last 2 years should be correct. Note this is the date WE added the site - not the date that the site was established. You can choose from various number of days (including what was added in the last 1 day right up to 365 days, or just 'All' for everything which is the default). When you select the 'recently added / date added' selections or sort option you will also see the date shown within each entry matching your search criteria.
THE NEXT STEPS FOR YOUR INFO: We will be creating something within the forum where you can subscribe to 'recently added / latest' sites and we'll start doing mailers for them too - but this might not be available until early next year.
11th Feb 2007:
eCOGRA Seal of Approval flag added:
You can now select to see casinos which have been approved by eCOGRA] in our Bonus Database. There are also a few more pages added to the new site for eCOGRA approved casinos by each player currency.
Here's a few quick links for you:-
eCOGRA Approved Casinos for players in US Dollars
eCOGRA Approved Casinos for players in Euros
eCOGRA Approved Casinos for players in UK Pounds
eCOGRA Approved Casinos for players in Canadian Dollars
14th September 2007 - UseMyWallet payment method added
Jan-Feb 2008 - A few more Payment Methods added
Feb 17th 2008 - added Casino Coupons database integrated further into our Bonus Database - when you search for Casinos in our Bonus Database - there is now a link to any coupons that have been posted in our Coupons Database.

Last edited by crushadmin on Thu Nov 28, 2024 11:38 am; edited 39 times in total