Hello sitemates ~
I just wanted to extend these same words to you that I just posted at our little brother site, Poker-Crush.com
Posted: 10.09.2007, 15:11
I would like to thank our wonderful Guru and all you wonderful fellow poker players of mine for all your prayers and well wishes for my mother during our time of crisis!
I am so happy to report that Mom beat the odds! She fooled all the doctors and is now mostly recovered and back home, and we know it is all the prayers worldwide from Crushers that made it possible!
Miracles DO happen!
There is no way to thank you enough!
The mighty Guru even came to see me and be with us to offer his support! Have you ever known anyone so dedicated to his group?
Now I can tell you for sure that the mighty Guru is definitely MIGHTY HANDSOME! Sorry, gals, but I SAW HIM FIRST! LOL
Seriously, he is delightful and I believe he would fit right in with any crowd, be it kings or be it paupers! He is truly a REAL gentleman! THANK YOU, GURU!
My mother sends her love to all of you and says she will remember all Crushers in all her prayers to God, our Lord, and to her Great Spirit of the Cherokee Nation.
Thank you all again!
Please let me know if I can ever do anythng to help YOU! You helped give me back my Mother. WHAT COULD BE A GREATER GIFT THAN THAT?
Now I thank God and the Great Spirit for letting us keep her a while longer!
Very sincerely,