Hello Crushers,
Welcome to Steve Jrs Baby Weight Pool
Thanks Nono for the Contest Idea
As we all know that our very own OrangeCrush (Rita) is going to be a 1st time grandma sometime this month..
Everyone who posts will guess Steve Jrs birth weight..For every guess 500 ccpts will be put into a pool and at the end of the Contest 4 random winners will split the total amount of the pool..
Here's a picture of Steve Jr (known as Cletus The Fetus at the time):
And of course the proud parents Jason & Deb and Steve The Dog, and no Steve The Dog is not one of the parents for all you smarty pants out there..lol..
Contest will end when Steve Jr has arrived..
Good Luck Crushers & Happy Guessing,

Last edited by sisters on Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:28 pm; edited 3 times in total