hi im probably way out of line here but i just thought id get this of my chest.....in the general posting rules from geno it says .......PLEASE CHECK THAT WHAT YOU ARE POSTING HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN POSTED! It is very frustrating when people look at the forum and see many topics about exactly the same promotion/bonus - so please do check BEFORE you post - any duplicate topics will be removed WITHOUT WARNING. If you notice it's been deleted - that is most likely why! ...... and yet everyday when you log in its exactly the same posts day in day out...the same no deposits for example rival casinos must be in the archive a thousand times by now..i know new members might come and they will want to see latest offers but if they want older ones then everyone knows what an archive is for...also i feel if you want new members then they will get put off if when every day they log in they see the site is flooded for umpteenth time with exact same posts...if i wanted i could go into no deposits and post every one their is and if every member does the same...which some do already umpteen times a month then what sort of mess would the forum be in...as i said im probably out of line but i feel i need to ask if this is right as it says specifically in posting rules not to keep posting same posts all the time....and do we really need every no deposit posted 20 times in a month...anyone that looks in archive must get bored after 5th page...sorry if this offends anyone but just feel this should be addressed...i know some people are probably wanting luu clicks but at end of day if the no deposit is only posted once in a month then same amount of people will still see it as the no deposit page would have about 2 pages of offers that month not 50 with same posts...anyway got a feeling ill get into trouble for posting this but i can't be only person that gets annoyed when everyday they see forum flooded continually with same posts