Dear Crushers,
Yes, we are celebrating our 16th year online! Yes it's hard to believe but it's true!
So, in CC tradition - we will be celebrating with extra contests on top of our usual ones!
This first one lasts a week and gives you all a chance to come up with a sweet birthday wish in the form of a rhyme!
Nice and simple this one:-
- Make and post your rhyme (1 per post) - it MUST rhyme! - 4 lines minimum
- You may make as many as you like BUT you must allow someone else to post in between making another post of your own.
- On or soon after 7th December the entries will be judged and winners announced.
- The number of prizes will depend on the number of members taking part, the number of valid entries and the quality of the rhymes.
Get creative and get rhyming to help us kick off our 16th birthday!
Good luck and Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Nov 19, 2024 11:38 pm; edited 2 times in total