Dear Crushers,
Whilst we were not looking to have another new Administrator at CC, we have been discussing the possibility of having a moderator/Chat Administrator to share the Bingos and Chats with Rita (OrangeCrush).
It is with much happiness that Sarah (sisters) has accepted our request to join the CC Staff team as Chat/Bingo Administrator and also to moderate the forum with Rita and I (with effect from 1st August 2009).
I'm sure Sarah needs no introduction to those regulars amongst you, as a CC Best Buddy and also having been a model member now for just over 5 years now!
Unfortunately for Sarah it means no more entering contests (including LUU from 1st August) - but hey on the positive side gives many of you a better chance to coin in on the LUU hehe!
Now she'll be helping us give away our Crush Dollars in Chat and Bingo initially and continuing to help out new and existing members with their questions as well as helping keep CC clean of spam and ensuring the community spirit is continued as in the "Happy Gaming Always" way it has always been here at CC.
I hope that you will all welcome Sarah (sisters - to be called SisterCrush) in her new roles here at CC.
Sarah it's lovely to have you on our staff team and I look forward very much to working with you more here.
Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:56 pm; edited 4 times in total