Order the Everygame ICC ATM Card if you
like Super fast cashouts- 24-48 hours OR LESS!!
order your new card from the Everygame cashier!!
Are you fed up of complicated payout methods?
Then take advantage of ICC and enjoy receiving
your money within 24 hours!
The Everygame Cash Card is the fastest
and safest withdrawal method for the USA and Canada!
There are many advantages for you:
- Money available within 24 hours!
- Withdraw at 800,000 ATMs worldwide!
- Delivered to you within 2 business days
- We will pay the shipping fee for you!
Order your ICC today!
1) Go to our payout site
2) Click on ICC "More Info"
3) Fill out the ICC request form
Click here for our payout site!
4) The shipping fee will be credited to your account
after your order has been processed.
You will receive your card within a few days and
can request payouts immediately!
If you have any questions about ICC, please call
our free hotline 1-866-54-WAGER