I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo very bummed I missed the Crushers on their visit!
I knew it was gonna be crazy with my babygirls wedding on the 31st. Timing was maybe an issue, but I had no idea I would NOT get to see anyone at all!!
The reason? I was driving her wedding dress down to the halfway point(McDonalds Train- in Barstow) because it came-
To my address in Vegas, not hers in California!
2 + weeks late & we were already well into a panic about that!
A total flipping mess!! OMG!!! Had beads falling off. Was a gross brownish (not black) color! Looked cheap, dirty & it was wrinkled head to toe.
(Beaded Ball Gowns is a total RIP-OFF Crushers- I am gonna sue!!)
Sorry I missed you all, really bummed. Really!!
Looks like you had a blast! WTG (((Al))) on the live tournament play! Everyone looks so happy!! Great pictures!!